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Air Audit Services

Air Audit Grand Rapids, Detroit, Indianapolis and ToledoAn Air Audit in your facility is vital in today’s economy as the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that air compressors use as much as 10% of all electricity generated in the United States. Further, the DOE calculates that as much as 50% of this energy is wasted. Compressed air leaks alone account for 25-30% of compressed air use. Since the cost of energy has significantly increased during the past several years, the need for air audits is more important than ever before. Consequently, many industrial companies are identifying ways to lower their compressed air system energy consumption

However, the fact is energy audits, like companies, come in all shapes and sizes.

Four Basic Types of Audit

Compressed Air Survey

This is the simplest of all methods and can be differentiated by the fact that zero hardware is involved. A Walk the Line audit involves a visual check, completed inside and outside of the compressor room. Best Aire has a comprehensive 10-point checklist for its Compressed Air Survey, inspecting things such as filters, piping structure and condensate drains. Many of the issues that plague a compressed air system’s performance are often as simple as identifying and sealing leaks and reconfigured piping — and a system analysis to ensure that the business has the appropriate compressor for the job. A Compressed Air Survey is also a great opportunity to learn more about available alternatives, like Variable Speed Drive compressors and Air Storage Tanks and how they address a facility’s irregular energy demands.

This straightforward compressed air system health check is often available at no charge. The key objective is to optimize the performance of a facility’s compressed air system to help the operator save money through more cost-effective and efficient operations.

Compressed Air Energy Audit

Air Audit Grand Rapids, Detroit, Indianapolis and ToledoUnlike the Compressed Air Survey, this audit involve logging data on of the current (Amps). By running a simple calculation (one that incorporates a power factor), the kW can be calculated to a rather accurate value and graphs illustrating demand can be generated. The reason for offering this audit is to detect energy waste and capture a compressed air summary of the supply side – the compressor room. By analyzing the supply side, Best Aire can then advance the need to assess the issues on the demand side. The preliminary set up and process is very simple, and the energy usage and flow rates can be tested without interrupting service to your facility.

Another key consideration when choosing an audit partner would be to ask about the potential rebates available from the local utility companies. People who are close to the subject and do this every day, such as Best Aire, know these details and can show you how these savings can really add up.

Compressed Air Leak Audit

Air leak detection and control is a vital element to any facility. History has shown that leaks typically account for 20 percent of the system demand. With our Air Leak Audit, one of our trained technicians will examine your facility with our leak detection & measuring equipment. We will tag and rate all leaks then provide a detailed report, detailing the location of, and quantification cost of every individual leak. Then when available, we will assist with the process of applying for rebates with your energy provider. Give us a call today so that we can help you take your facility to the next level.

Compressed Air Quality Test

The quality of your air can be absolutely vital, depending on your industry. Governmental and customer standards need to be met, and in order to verify your compressed air system is meeting your expectations, an Air Quality Test can be conducted. Standard Tests include: Particles and Oil Aerosol, Water Vapor, Oil Vapor and Microorganisms. Taking samples takes approximately 2-3 hours, and then the lab will have the test results back in 14-16 days.

With more questions about Air Audits, or to request an audit at your facility, please use the contact form below.